Please click on the phase below to see the process for each step. To the right are the checklists for each rendering type. Please click on each as needed to see what is required to begin your particular project.
Step 1: Gathering Assets
First thing we need to have is your information which includes the following:
- Requested view
- CAD files (.dwg format)
- Colors and material samples
- Landscape style
- Time of day
- Desired timeline
- Final output needed (print, web, or signage etc.)
Sample views
- Left Side
- Straight On
- Right Side
- Left Side
- Straight On
- Right Side
- Rear Right Site View
- Rear Right Property View
- Amenity Birdseye
Once we have these pieces of info we will review and be able to provide a timeline for the first grayscale withing 24 hours.
Step 2: First grayscale model is delivered
This is the first view of the model in order to check the architecture and the viewing angle. Please be very sure of the viewing angle for approval as we cannot go back and change it at color without additional charges. We typically allow 2 rounds of revisions at the grayscale stage.
We will upload the grayscale proof to our reviewing software called “Invision” where you will have an opportunity to see the model, type your comments, and share them back to us for review.
Steps to view the model are as follows:
- Click on the link provided to review the proof.
- Click the lower right hand tab of the screen to turn on “commenting”
- Once enabled, you can click anywhere on the screen to leave a comment.
- Current comments appear as pink circles overlayed on top of the designs.
- Click on a current circle to add to or reply to a comment.
- Click on the grid icon in the lower right to toggle through multiple pages of the project.
- Once your comments are complete, please share the link back to us for revisions.
A video tutorial of the above can be seen here:
Step 3: Colors, Materials, Landscape and Lighting.
We now have applied the colors and materials as well as the final lighting and landscape to the scene.
At this stage we can change the colors or materials as well as make adjustments to the landscape appearance. As mentioned in stage 2, we can no longer change the viewing angle without a change order. We typically allow 2 rounds of revisions at the color stage.
A link with the color proof will be emailed to you as at the grayscale stage for commenting. Please email us again when your comments are complete.
Step 4: Approval and Delivery
Once everything has been approved, we will be gin to render the image(s) to high resolution.
Each rendering can take 4-8 hours each to allow all the 3d effects and lighting to process. Please allow us ample time to render to high res for you. If you have a deadline, we need to know about that in advance as mentioned in step 1.
Once finished, we will send those to you upon completion via email or dropbox for you to download.