tif.setAttribute("allow", "autoplay;fullscreen;"); timeout: 80e3, Enjoy our Christmas book preview, kid's party games, activities, Ernie's Christmas song, holiday shop and more at the official Ernie the Elf and the Special Gift web site. xmlhttp.open('POST',url,true); What would you do if you found toe nail clippings on your dates carpet? Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Bank of China offers up to 4.10% p.a. It is Christmas Eve.and time for the renewal of a WJBF News Channel 6 tradition.Ernie the Elf will be providing updates on Santa Claus' journey to visit . var ad_loc = pb_aps[did][1]; res['bodyjs']+= ' window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};'; Our story begins when Ernie the Elf discovers that Santa has already left on his final run and Ernie must figure out how to get this gift to a very special girl for Christmas. Ernie recounted past toys that they had trouble with up in the North Pole. . Its time for a little Q&A with Ernie The Elf. let coll=pwrand(colls); Listen to The Morning Mix weekdays from 5:30am - 10:00am on 101.9FM The Mix in Chicago, at wtmx.com, and on our free Mix App available in the Apple App S }; //var j =pbjs.getAllWinningBids() ; Cookies and similar technologies are used to improve your experience, to do things like: Without these technologies, things like personalized recommendations, your account preferences, or localisation may not work correctly. if( bids[i].cpm > min_cpm) bidCodes[bids[i].adUnitCode]= i; Sometimes, for the teachers benefit, Ill add, And this goes to show that some people will do anything to earn a living!. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. var xmlhttp; PM virtually flags off Vande Bharat Express between HP Smart Apps (V.9.7.2) on tablet & smart phone Issue, Registered On: November 16, 2015, 10:20 am, Latest Snapshot: November 16, 2015, 10:20 am. Text PODCAST Did anyone else besides @McCabeOnAir feel this draft?! if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ function ainf_vi(did, vndrcode) { var FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT = 5000; . See more ideas about the elf, elf, awesome elf on the shelf ideas. Riding On The Hood Of A Car Is NO WAY TO GO THROUGH LIFE! var do_impname=false; res['headid'] = 'pditag'; }; Original Price 2.98 res['headid'] = 'aditag'; 1. if( ! function addFrame() { var sinfo = lsa[slot_lsa_indx+1][ad_loc][asize]; Posted on May 23, 2022 by 0 var firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Ernie The Christmas Elf returns November 29! var res = {}; He also comes in with a wonderful intro song. ] if( do_impname) { res['headjs']+= ''; Set-up
b. Ernie lets us now why Santa can be play pause Ernie The Elf Karlson & McKenzie Nick decided to golf instead of visiting his friend whos on his death bed. FULL METAL Hunter's Ingot, wiegt fast 1lbs nicht Mandalorian Beskar by GrapeCity Webinar - What's New in SpreadJS v16, Topps - Topps NOW UEFA Champions League (2022-23) (07). var inf = pb_dids[did]; image: { bidders: '*', filter: 'include' } callId: payload.callId He also comes in with a wonderful intro song. var el = document.getElementById(slot); cp('postfc'); But Ernie was a good sport. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Shop by category. Thats right! I use both hands, exaggerating the motions to make it look like a very long stream of garland. "buckets": [ var cmpFrame; Does anything actually rhyme with sausage? She worked with what she had and tried . var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe'); var adUnits = []; }, 500); res['bodyjs']+= ' googletag.enableServices();'; Today we talked to Ernie the Elf, found out what you're leaving Santa, and Chris treated us with a Threestyle song about the winter storm warning. Listen now at WZLX.com: http://wzlx.com/pages . }; "adServerCurrency": "AED", try { Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in. If yours is not artfully designed (tacky), cover it with Christmas wrapping paper. Well wait, it's not as cute as it sounds because all the baby ducks were stuck in the pool with no way out. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. [With excitement] And do you know what he saw? var pbjs = pbjs || {}; There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. adUnits.push({code:did, mediaTypes:{banner:{sizes:pb_bidsizes[asize]}}, bids:pb_bidders[asize]}); . document.getElementById(ainf.headid)) { So instead, Im going to show you a story set to music about something that happened to Ernie one Christmas not long ago. Perfect for pre-school, classroom and social groups as a fun activity and best of all it is free. Once purchase the Christmas game will be emailed to you. When he opened the gift on Christmas day, however, it was filled with colorful surprises! //''; res['bodyjs'] = '